Let’s take a trip down memory lane and explore the TVO Kids: The Crawlspace, a beloved children’s show that aired on TVOntario in the 1990s. The show was known for its quirky hosts, fun games, and educational content, and it quickly became a favorite among kids across Ontario.
The Crawlspace first aired in 1994 and was originally hosted by Patty Sullivan and Kevin Brauch. The show featured a variety of segments, including games, interviews, and science experiments. Kids could call in to play games and win prizes, and the show also featured a regular segment called “Ask the Expert,” where kids could ask questions to professionals in various fields.
One of the most popular features of The Crawlspace was the “Power Hour,” which aired on weekends and featured a full hour of games, trivia, and challenges. Kids could call in to compete against each other and win prizes, and the show often featured special guests and celebrities.
Over the years, The Crawlspace underwent several changes, including new hosts and a new set. But one thing remained constant: its commitment to providing entertaining and educational content for kids. The show continued to air until the early 2000s, and it remains fondly remembered by those who grew up watching it.