I found a copy of micro machines today. It says (Property or choices video) does anyone remember this rental shop or any ideas what year it closed? (UK) Thanks :)
Retro Puppet Master (1999) Ever wonder what Greg Sestero did to deserve The Room? Helping ruin the Puppet Master series karma – A sad low note to end on for a nearly 90 year old Guy Rolfe
Sesame Street. I loved this as a child and my two year old just latched on to it! He loves big bird just like his old man did!
My 4 year old loves TMNT, she watches the newer version on Hulu. Decided to check out my buddy’s plex server, the cover art was of the newer show but SURPRISE it’s actually the good stuff!
Ten year marriage and four kids later, all my nostalgia has been exiled to a closet “office” in the basement.
I handed these out to everyone I knew because my Leonardo DiCaprio club wasn’t enough. 1998 was a limitless year for me.
Stick Stickly visits the Twin Towers (1995) – part of a series of shorts with the Nickelodeon character searching NYC for his twin brother. Hasn’t been rebroadcast since the half-hour special comprised of all the shorts was aired later the same year.