The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Blimp. My sister sent me a box of 30+ year old photos and somehow a picture of my favorite childhood toy was tucked away at the very back of the album.
Me, my mother, my little brother (baby with dark hair) and my cousin (red haired baby) sometime around 1991. My mind mom is making a weird face here lol, I’m sure we were pissing her off. My aunt (mom’s twin sister) took the pic.
I found my “Sleepy Time” CD that my friend, my sister, and I put together in 2003. I had forgotten some of these songs
Who else was obsessed with Snapple Elements? Which was your favorite? I was always partial to Moon and Rain myself, my little sister liked Atomic.
My twin sister riding the red and yellow Little Tikes car that seemed to be EVERYWHERE in the early 90s (1990)