Tag posted

Someone posted Umbros earlier…They paired well with some Sambas!

Someone posted a drink earlier, I raise you with these ol gems

Super Soaker 50 (No doubt has been posted before, but this one comes with a really fun to read article that includes it’s history, it’s invention by NASA Scientist Lonnie Johnson, old photos, and even original tv commercials! Link in comments).

Craig Bartlett (creator of Hey Arnold) just posted this on his Instagram. My favorite show to watch as a kid in the 90s.

Anyone else have a Fisher Price record player? I still have mine, although it rattles because I posted coins in the slots!

Last time I posted here it was about 3D Doritos. I took a leap of faith and ordered some from Mexico and they are SO GOOD!!

I believe this is my only other movie standee part I have left, besides the PCU one I posted earlier. Donated the rest to a thrift shop… or recycled. Just recycled the one for White Palace yesterday.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) instead of the new one I just posted, thank you u/Kandy_Man_Prod