MadTV was an American sketch comedy show that began in 1995. It ran for 15 seasons and was fairly well known, with such iconic characters as Lorraine, Stewart, Ms. Swan and many others. It had a lot of similarities to Saturday Night Live. Key and Peele were both in many MadTV sketches together.
Got a group of friends together 5 years ago to play Radiohead’s The Bends live in its entirety, to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. This felt like a good place for us to get some love!
25 years ago today WaterWorld: A Live Sea War Spectacular opened at Universal Studios Hollywood. (1995)
The famous late 80’s cartoon show, David the Gnome, ended on a heartbreaking note. David and his wife know that gnomes don’t live past 400 years so they take a long journey up to the mountains to pass away.
Live on my channel now, SmileyFaceTV – broadcasting from Kepler-10c, located around 608 light-years, intercepting television broadcast signals from Earth using bootlegged antennas – step back into time and watch old television, complete with all the terrible commercials burned in your brains…
Check out this Radical 90’s Quiz LIVE TONIGHT 8pm UK time on YouTube via Big Nerd Pub Quiz (
Found my old tapes. My big brother and I recorded those live tapes from a radio station. We was excited for a whole week that the radio station would air our favorite artists.