In Living Color was an American sketch comedy show beginning in 1990 that ran for 5 seasons. Particularly notable actors include the Wayans family, Jim Carrey and Jamie Foxx. Jim Carrey had previously auditioned for SNL in 1980 but had been rejected. The show basically launched Jim Carrey’s career.
I’m so old I remember that before it was Freeform, ABC Family, and Fox Family, it was simply The Family Channel.
I assure you that this is Tupac Amaru Shakur. Yes Tupac is alive. This photo was taken a week ago. Tupac been living in Morocco since 2010. We’re apart of his family. Not gonna say more.
Me (red denim shorts) with my family in 1995. I loved this necklace SO MUCH! it was a dragon claw on a cord that my mom got me at the Renaissance Festival. ☺️