25 years ago we watched Toy Story and recorded our thoughts. Now it’s a podcast. Listen to us talk about this Pixar classic! Links in comments.
Oh man! I just remembered Kids Incorporated and how much I used to love that show. Anyone else remember that theme song (link in comments)?!?
As a prelude to an editorial I’m working on, here’s 360 Windows 95/98 games, 1995 to 2001 era (click to zoom in & abc list in comments)
this week our band watches and discusses Counting Crow’s video for ‘Mr. Jones’. we’re 4 lifelong friends who really love music (especially from the 90s). come hang with us and drop some knowledge in the comments 🤘
Seattle FilmWorks got me so many times with their “free” film. This undeveloped roll is circa 1987. Explanation in comments. 👇🏼
Super Soaker 50 (No doubt has been posted before, but this one comes with a really fun to read article that includes it’s history, it’s invention by NASA Scientist Lonnie Johnson, old photos, and even original tv commercials! Link in comments).
Here’s my tribute to one of the best comedy series that has ever been made! – A cover version on Friends opening song! Do watch and provide your comments!