I found this while I was cleaning. This was taken in 97when I was in Bootcamp in the Navy on Christmas Day. I was adopted for the day. I’m the one in the middle. Have you join the Military?
Found while cleaning out my middle school closet: Jeans purse I made out of an old pair of jeans, complete with a keychain chapstick.
Was cleaning out the closet when I came across Oregon Trail. Was immediately overcome with nostalgia and dysentery.
Does anyone remember these toys and what you’re supposed to do with them or what they’re called? Just found a whole bunch while cleaning the place quarantining! Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!
Cleaning out some things and I found this on the day of the Remakes release. It was just a video I’m pretty sure, but it started my foray into Final Fantasy.
Cleaning my room and found the calculator watch I ordered from those Scholastic catalogs in grade 3 or so. The fact that something like this could even exist blew my mind at the time and I was so excited to get it. Sadly I was banned from wearing it in class.
Found this original Gargoyles ad in an old Spider-Man comic cleaning out the garage – instantly took me back!