In Living Color was an American sketch comedy show beginning in 1990 that ran for 5 seasons. Particularly notable actors include the Wayans family, Jim Carrey and Jamie Foxx. Jim Carrey had previously auditioned for SNL in 1980 but had been rejected. The show basically launched Jim Carrey’s career.
Rugrats Go Wild scratch and sniff. Found this still in the wrapper while looking through old boxes for my birth certificate. Could not locate the birth certificate but finding this I basically came out even.
I maxed my first credit card out to buy the 3DO game system…then the PlayStation came out shortly after and this became basically obsolete. Had no furniture in my first apartment, but at least I had this.
Someone reminded me of this in another recent post. This is basically how I did all my school reports in the late 90’s and early 2000’s before discovering Google.