In Living Color was an American sketch comedy show beginning in 1990 that ran for 5 seasons. Particularly notable actors include the Wayans family, Jim Carrey and Jamie Foxx. Jim Carrey had previously auditioned for SNL in 1980 but had been rejected. The show basically launched Jim Carrey’s career.
This guy was one of the best turkish actors in 90s my grandma and my mom was in one of his films and my mom was only 3
Martin James Landau was an American actor, acting coach, producer, and editorial cartoonist. His performance in the supporting role of Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood (1994) earned him an Academy Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a Golden Globe Award.
Mars Attacks. Anyone remembers this crappy movie. There was so much hype because of all the A-list actors that played in the movie