Retro Puppet Master (1999) Ever wonder what Greg Sestero did to deserve The Room? Helping ruin the Puppet Master series karma – A sad low note to end on for a nearly 90 year old Guy Rolfe
Surge. In our high school in the late 90’s reps for the soda would stand around in the lunch room and hand them out for free. At the time it was awesome, now I’m like wtf???
Remembering that no matter what anyone tells you, there is absolutely, positively, NO sex in the champagne room.
Does anyone remember Oceangram? When I was little and would wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, my mom would make me a bagel and let me sit in the computer room with her while she played solitaire and waited for the bottles to come in. It was so relaxing and fun.
Cleaning my room and found the calculator watch I ordered from those Scholastic catalogs in grade 3 or so. The fact that something like this could even exist blew my mind at the time and I was so excited to get it. Sadly I was banned from wearing it in class.
This week we dive into a room full of gold to give the history of a Disney cartoon with one hell of an ear worm of a theme song.
Hey, anyone remember these guys? When having first seen this video, I would oft wonder why in the hell were Blur flinging themselves across the room like that–and then, after considerable rumination, finally got it–it’s in the first line of the lyrics itself: I got my head checked, By a jumbo jet.
Log Jam, the book that sat in the class room when I was a kid that inspired some good constipation jokes one day.
When Chat Now was a thing & you’d bring the other over to your friends house to “text” each other in the same room.