When I was a kid my mom told me she ordered me Socker Boppers but they never showed up in the mail. I never forgot. I recently reminded her and these showed up at my door 2 days later.
Cleaning my room and found the calculator watch I ordered from those Scholastic catalogs in grade 3 or so. The fact that something like this could even exist blew my mind at the time and I was so excited to get it. Sadly I was banned from wearing it in class.
Scary and evil villain Catrina from My Little Pony: Escape from Catrina 1985. I just ordered the MLP dvd set but reviews are saying that songs have been cut from this episode ? She was a scary villain to small me.
Ordered a bunch of books from Amazon, opening that box felt like Scolastic book delivery day in grade school. Except now I’m a grown woman and I got 10 books instead of 2!
Last time I posted here it was about 3D Doritos. I took a leap of faith and ordered some from Mexico and they are SO GOOD!!