Tag nostalgic

Alert – Nostalgic moment ahead. Back to the days where I played this game on PSP! Good old days! My tribute to one of the amazing GTA game! A cover version of GTA VICE CITY STORIES – Main theme, made using FL Studio as DAW.

Been feeling really nostalgic for old 7-11’s

Anybody know why this little riff is so nostalgic for me? particularly the 2nd and 6th bars sounds so familiar.

nostalgic crush: Elisabeth Shue as Ali with an I from The Karate Kid

At the Warner Bros. water tower. 90’s nostalgic edit with the Animaniacs. IG @jsynsmodernlife

Nostalgic Stapler

This specific scene from ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’. I don’t know why it’s nostalgic but it is.

Can anyone help me ID the brand that made this fabric pattern? My mother purchased it in the mid 90’s and it belonged to a full bedsheet / pillow set. The design is very nostalgic & comforting to me, and I’d like to see if I can locate another full set!

Nostalgic Sounds Every 90s Kid will Remember

Crikey! Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course was a great nostalgic movie with Steve Irwin!

Guess These Nostalgic ’90s Songs

Oliver & Company: A Lesser Known Disney Classic That’s Still Highly Nostalgic to Some

Too Nostalgic ! Windows sounds

Found my old HIT Clips. The clips themselves feel utterly nostalgic!

A half-hour worth of commercials that were shown during the “100 Greatest Videos Ever Made” from the original December (1999) airing on MTV | A wonderful randomly nostalgic collection of late-90s TV commercial glory

It’s strange for me to think of something from 2008 as nostalgic, but my iPhone 3G does remind of a different time.

A Goofy Movie: A Nostalgic Disney Classic

A nostalgic look back at the internet in the 90s and early 2000s