I don’t know if I’m the only one who remembers these, but I swear I used to play with my pop-up address book for hours (and it wasn’t supposed to be a toy).
Nickelodeon 3D Movie Maker, Did you have this? I would spend hours a day making fun Nick cartoons on it. One of my favourite games ever!
In 1992 this Star Wars pinball machine arrived in our video arcade. So many hours played on this, it was addictive!
Did anyone else spend hours playing on Microsoft Bob? I used to love designing the rooms and playing GeoSafari!
I spent so many hours playing this game, I would re-buy the heck out of it if they released it on Steam!
Peanut Panic. This was my favourite game as a little boy. Holy shit, the hours spent playing this with my family growing up. Any time I ever bring it up, nobody’s heard of it.