Tag grade
Finally finished reacquiring the scary stories collections that got me through grade school in the 90s.
Fifth grade essentials
My dad told me JTT was coming to my first grade birthday party… I totally believed him… still haven’t forgiven him 🤣
Anybody got me beat?! 75 miles between kindergarten and 5th grade baby!
Jump Start 1st Grade for PC. I loved this game and even played it years after I was promoted to 2nd lol
I remember a lot of the girls around me goin crazy when Marky Mark came on the scene. Mr. Mark Wahlberg for the young ones who don’t know. I was in 10th grade when this book came out. I wanted it so bad back then but I was still in the closet and also broke lol
Cleaning my room and found the calculator watch I ordered from those Scholastic catalogs in grade 3 or so. The fact that something like this could even exist blew my mind at the time and I was so excited to get it. Sadly I was banned from wearing it in class.
Ordered a bunch of books from Amazon, opening that box felt like Scolastic book delivery day in grade school. Except now I’m a grown woman and I got 10 books instead of 2!
Throw back to 2nd grade
No better way to prepare for the school year! Jump Start 2nd Grade!
Early 90s kid school picture. I was in 2nd grade. It was 1990. That shirt tho ? (disregard the paint stained hands, I got in so much trouble for that LoL)